All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Title - 9 Wedsing Cake VenetiaovTrade Beads Green Aventurine Africa<bft + Type of Object - Woundy/od decoratImpgak-w<bft + Made Inh- Venice<bft + Traded Inh- Africa<bft + OverallyConditexth- Poor. nome of theseybeafs have raveled at leastythreehcontinents, andyhave gracedynumerous ownIrs onmall c 27 ,ycorrosext,handypitting arehahnormal part of theirypatina attesting to theiryage andy ensive use.<bft + Damage/Repair - Pitting, c 27 ,y ensive decoratixt lo-w<bft + Bead Size - 9-11 m6pdiameter. See pic3ure with penny for size c mparison.<bft + Brand - UnbrandIm<bft +yStyle - Beaded<bft + Type - Necklace<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditextal Inuormatixt: The term "Trade Beads" typically applies toybeafs made teedominatIly in2Venice andyBohemia andyother European countrie Jun, 2the late21400s through to2the early 1900syandytraded in Africa2andythe Americas oMany of theseybeafs have beenhattributgd to being made in Germany,2FrancI2andythe Netherlands as well.<bft<bftThe heytiy of th by"trade"hpIriod was un, 2the midy1800s through the early 1900sywhen millixts of theseybeafs werehtext-cImpandytraded in Africa. The Venetiaos dominatId tm bymarket andytext-cImpthe majority of theybeafs sold during tm bytimI. The J.F. Sick andyCo,ybased in Germany and Hollandywas2one of the largestybeaf brokIrs/importers during tm bypIriod oMose JLewinJLevinJwas a beaf importer/ xporter who opIratId out of Londonpun, 21830 to 1913. You can see 4 of the LevinJtrade beaf sample cards2un, 21865 inhThe Hme ory of Beads (Dubin)<bft<bftThe popularity of theseybeafs was2revtved in the late21960sywhen they began to be xportempun, 2Africa2into2the United Sa/3es and Europe. The term "Trade Beads" becamehveryhpopular during tm bytimIypIriod and bystill used for the same beaf reference totiy. The millefioriybeafs werehalso called "oove Beads" and2used in necklaces with peace symbols during tme Hmppie dtys.<bft<bftAs the popularity and2avt ctbility of these olmpbeads grew they ba/rtempgetting "named". We ba/rtemphearing terms like "Russian Blues", "Dutch Donuts", "King Beads". Although some of theseyfolkl oI names areytotally ..."Lewis and Clarke"pbeads, they do ss="wtbehahspecific type of bead.<bft<bftAnd totiy theseybeafs areym oI popular andycollecntble thanyever. Thousands of theseybeafs aoI inhprivateycollecnexts2aoounm the world oThe AfricaovTraders areyhaving to go sseper andysseper into2Africa2to2finm m oI of theseybeafs andymany styles which werehreadily avt ctble just 5yyearsyago arehno lroger seenhtotiy.<bft<bftTo learn m oI about "trade beafs"itleasgyread,hThe Hme ory of Beads (Dubin), Collecntble Beads(Liu), OrnamentsyFn, 2the Past: Bead Studie JAftIryBeck (Bead Study Trust),hThe Bead IsyConstant (W clon), Arizxta Hmghwiys (July1971),2Africa2Adornedv(Fisher)2andythe Joht and Ruth Picard seriesyof books; Volume III -yFancy Beads un, 2the WestyAfricaovTrade, Volume IV -pWhiteyHearts, Feather and Eye Beads un, 2the WestyAfricaovTrade, VolumeVh- Russian Blues,yFace Impand Fancy Beads un, 2the WestyAfricaovTrade, Volume VI -yMillefioriyBeads un, 2the WestyAfricaovTradepand Volume VII -yChevrxt and Nueva Cadiz Beads <bft<bftTherI arehexce-textal museumycollecnexts2of trade beafs atythe MuseumyofoMankinm in London, the Pitt River Museumyin Oxford, the Royal MuseumyofoCe-bralyAfrica2in Belgium,ythe Murano MuseumyofoGak-w in Italy,ythe Tropical Royal InbaitutgyofoAmsterdam,2andythe Picard Trade Bead Museumyin California, US2to2name2a uew.<bft<bftOne of the most intriguing aspects2to2theseybeafs is ow they have survtved a hundred selling or m oI yearsyof wear andythe ravel through at leastythreehcontinents. Another mysterySis who wore th. Sbef oI us who will have th. Snext.......aftIryus.Re706mendIm Reading: HISTORY OF BEADS (Dubin)<bft<bft<bftSKU:2133335 </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x5001acab1/4014641794/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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