This bouquet is made of handmade filter paper flowers in yellow and ocean blue with natural color book page roses. Mixed in the bouquet are greenery, faux baby's breath, and white tulle. The handle is wrapped in white and yellow satin ribbon.
Bridal bouquet is 11 to 12 inches wide
Bridesmaid bouquet is 7 selling to 8 inches wide
Colors can be customized
This bouquet comes in different sizes which can be selected in the drop-down menus. You can also choose to order your bouquet with a matching boutonniere. Please contact us if you would like matching bridesmaid bouquets, boutonnieres, corsages, cake flowers, or centerpieces for a package discount.
We cut each petal from a pattern specifically created for the style of flower we use in each piece. Each petal is then dipped in a color and hung on a line with clothespins to dry. We then attach each petal individually to its stem. Each flower will be styled and curled petal by petal to create a beautiful handmade paper rose. We use coffee filter paper to achieve a more realistic flower. The book page roses are created using a special solution that helps the petals curl and not rip yet keep their natural shade. We use hardback Harry Potter books.
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Product code: Wedding bouquets in ocean blue and yellow filter paper flowers & book page roses - Customizable colors selling