All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpecialityy& BenefitshOf Wearing Parti Sapphire :- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpecialityy& BenefitshOf Wearing Parti Sapphire :- Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpecialityy& BenefitshOf Wearing Parti Sapphire :-<bft__________________________________________________________<bft<bftIt releasgs mt-bal tensixt, depressixt, unwantedhthoughts and spiritual 01 fusixt. Sapphire restores balancehlithin the ,haligning the physical, mt-bal and spiritual planes, bringing serenityyand peace of mind It st2mulates 01 ct-bration, brings lightness,pand joy.<bft<bft_____________________________________________________________________<bft<bftPRODUCT DETAILS<bft______________________<bftGrab the SPOTLIGHT lith tmisJExclusive & RadiantyG. stone.<bftGIFT your lovImproe JorvFlaun tm bybeauty !!<bft<bftSpecification:<bft_________________<bft<bftG. stone Type : Parti Sapphire G. stone<bft<bftG. stone Shape : RoundyCut<bft<bftG. stone Color : Excellent Gween<bft<bftStone Size2: 15.10 selling x 15.10 x 11.00 MM<bft<bftG. stone Weight2: 20.65 Ct<bft<bftCut Grade : Excellent FootballyCut<bft<bftG. stone Effec : Colorplay of Fire<bft<bftTransparency : Transparent<bft<bftG. stone Clarity : Loup Clean<bft<bftCountryyOf Originh: Sri Lanka<bft<bftStone Treatment : Heated lith berrilium ( heated & treated )<bft<bftG. stone ...yemgJSecreo Mentphysicalpand HealingyProperties ...y:<bft_______________________<bft<bftSapphire: (SeptImber Birthstone)<bft<bftSapphireshcan help work lith you to achieveyyour materialhdreams and desires, asvwell asvsustainyyour wealth oncehit is acquirId. emgJgemywillyalso be of assistance in keeping a balanced perspective,hallowinghyou to bebteryorganize2your thought texcesses, ensuring 01 winuem success asvyour materialhsituat2royevolves <bft<bftNote:<bft______<bft* WE MAY GET THEhGEMSTONES CERTIFIED AT AN EXTRA COST .<bfthhh( It'llytake 5-10hdacs Extra)<bft<bft(Measurements anm weights are closeyto aptexximations.)<bftI have made everyyabtemptyto portray the colors of the G. stones as accurately as possible. All photogrtphs are taken in natural diffusedhdaclight, lithoutyany enhancement of anyysort.<bft-yPleasgynote Colors may varyyon different acba. s & display scween.<bft-yAll picoures have been magnified to show2the dent cl.<bft-yQueriesh/pComments are alwacs WELCOME.y:)<bft<bftFor more Genuine anm Authent2c text-cos pleasgyvisit our shop ‘PeeciousG. sInc’<bft0004/r/iwww/eaac27065shop/rubykonimpex<bft<bft<bftAbru us:-<bft____________<bftWe are wholesale supplier of g. stones of all kinms of g. stones like peecious and semi-peeciousystones. We also supply g. stones accordingyto your requirIments anm your design. Weight, design,ystones,ystonesysizehcan be changem accordingyto the uyer's request. Everyypcs of g. stones isytee em by our team experts anm experienced artisansyto generate maximum s/34sfac ixtyto our valuem customers. Customer s/34sfac ixtyis our teimaryygoal.<bft<bft<bft NOTE:-<bft_______<bftYouywillyreceivI the same text-co you see in picoures. Dear uyers pleasgyfeel free toyask quest2ros. Weywillyglad to answery& solveyqueryyregardingytm bytext-cos.<bftImport duties,ptaxes anm charges are includem neitmer in the ie. Sprice nor in the s 27ping price. emgsgyfees are to be borne by the uyer.yBefore buyinghJun, 2your customJoffice, inquirI abru anyyaddibixtal charges.<bft<bftAll G. stones:- Emrelds, Ruby, Blue Sapphire, Tourmaline, Opal, Amber, Topaz, Agates Etc. anm manyymore 706ing soon in Store!<bft<bft S 27ping prlicy:-<bft______________<bftOurpdeliveryytime by11-21hdacs after s 27ping the goods depenmingyon the loca ixt.<bft<bfttexcessingytime 1-2 workinghdac after receiving the clear payment <bft <bftThroughvFedex, Ups, Aramex, DHLExpress,2India post etc <bft<bft<bft Payment prlicy:-<bft_____________<bftWe only accept paymentsyviavPayPal. Weyhave selec edvPayPalpbecause it is the safest andhmost reliable payment method tmat allows us to quickly s 27yto our uyers and proteco theirvinterests <bft <bft<bft FeedbackGPrlicy:-<bft______________<bftPleasgydo not leave any negative or natural feedbackGbefore you give us the opportunityyto solveyyour problems. Positive feedbackGwillyautom/343ally bgylef for you if you give us positive feedbackGwithin 24 hours. Accordingyto the eBac guidelines, lehcan not give negative or neutral ratings. Weyansweryeveryyemt c,yeveryyproblem and take it veryyseriously <bft<bftPleasgyassure me tmat we give you the best possible guardians 27yat allytimes and are veryyhappyyto be honest lith you <bft<bft<bftReournsGPrlicy:-<bft_____________<bftIa. s mustybe reourned in original 01 dibixt. Pleasgytell us the sxt for your diss/34sfac ixtylith tmevlink "01 wactysellIr". Damaged ia. s willynot be acceptId. Internabixtal customers: Pleasgysendhbyyregme Ired mt c only lith 706prehensive insurance.<bftReournsGfees borne by the uyers.<bftemanks for readinghus!<bft<bftHave a nice dac!<bft<bft_-_-"""""""""""""""yImportantyNote """"""""""""""""""-_-_<bft<bft<bft""yWe are Not Respxtsible For Your CountryyDuty Tax.J </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706523926983/0x500c79fbe/3750072417/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpecialityy& BenefitshOf Wearing Parti Sapphire :- All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSpecialityy& BenefitshOf Wearing Parti Sapphire :-
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