Coordinates Sign / Lat Long Sign / Latitude Longitude Sign / Sign With Coordinates / GPS Coordinates Sign / New Home Gift / selling Coordinate Sign
Signs are constructed of 100% salvaged wood. Reclaimed Wood Planks are approx. 5" in width and will vary in length based on your coordinates but are generally around 24”
long roughly. The finish is heavily selling distressed in an aqua blue color. The numbers are hand painted in black.
Please include the address for the coordinates you'd like on the sign in the personalization area. We'll convert your desired address to coordinates. We use short form coordinates which is as pictured. So this is the layout that will be used. The address that you need to provide for the coordinates need to be formatted in this form (22442 Oak Street Leesburg, Virginia 20176.) Please provide the desired address in that standard form.
Please understand that the wood used to produce these signs is 100% salvaged. No two pieces will be alike. Differences in wood tone, grain pattern, wear marks, nail holes, knots. etc. may or may not be present. These variations and unique characteristics are to be expected. Sawtooth Hanger is included which is installed on the Sign.