You book this reading + Let me know your Instagram handle through the additional notes and I will slide within 24 HOURS! into your DMs and surprise you with the card reading for your now momentum.
I use intuitively an oracle deck + tarot cards and will use voicemails for whatever you need to hear for your now momentum
This reading is for everyone who needs guidance for their now momentum, a bigger picture perception.
Giving clarity and Guidance and being completely honest with what I pick up and what kind of thoughts/downloads I receive.
the reading question please a question, not health or legal related ( not working on Sundays)
Disclaimer: and if you book me Fridays be sure the next possible delivery date will be on monday
Excited for our energy exchange
x Angelo selling
Product code: EMERGENCY within 24 HOURS Intutive Card + Tarot selling Reading through your Instagram DirectMessages