Otto Kemmer, 1853 Tauberbischofsheim – 1931 Karlsruhe "Fenstermalerei Entwurf der Lvther Kirche in Freiburg selling i. B."
Otto Kemmer, 1853 Tauberbischofsheim – 1931 Karlsruhe,
"Window painting design of the Lvther church in Freiburg i. B." round arch cut-out
Studied at the School of Applied Arts in Nuremberg, Munich Academy and Karlsruhe Art School, teacher and later director at the Malererinnenschule Karlsruhe, his main field is figurative monumental painting,
Watercolor selling architectural work alone: 60 cm x 56 cm
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I would like to have 129 Euro from you including insured parcel shipping FRG.
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In my large collector's file are e.g. also:
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2 Kelly Family Paul Kelly
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4 Piliph Bosen Master Baker Siver Spring USA .......
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6 Barbera Baert Study of Medieval Art Director in Leuven Belgienre investment immediately buy and capital secure! Doctor title presented by Prince Phillip Belgium!
7 Kara Vallow UKara Vallow USA television animation producer who worked with Seth MacFarlane on the four television series produced by Fuzzy Door Productions for Fox, Family Guy, American Dad! (now moved to TBS), The Cleveland Show, and Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. Sat
8 Marie Small With USA Writer Kennedy Biography
9 C.Loy Wolfenbüttel Development Engineer at VW
10 Ronny Doege Leipzig footballers
11 Joanna Stuckey Australia Archaeologist/Writer Tomb Goddess Atargatis