Healing Medicine Peacock Ore , Meditation Crystal Totem Spiritual selling Doll Rattle Healing Stones Metaphysical Artisan Made One of a Kind
A very personal healing arts piece created by myself. Many long hours of healing slow stitching and beading, meditation went into this totem. Thousands of beads, stones, threads and love are in each healing piece. I get a feel for what gem stone to use as the grounding stone. This totem has Peacock Ore as the grounding stone. A powerful stone for innovation , new ideas and creativity!! My personal favorite healing stone!
Size is 4 3/4 length.
Stunning Blue .
The round flat smooth face representation is a basalt stone that I selling gathered from from the shore of Lake Superior , where I live. Made smooth by many many miles of rough waves , wind and sand.
Each totem also is filled with a handful of polished gemstones that will have a rattle voice when shaken. This will call your spirit guide to you.