Polyscias Fruticosa | Dried selling Fenugreek Roots | Panax Fruticosum |Panax Fruticosus| Panax Ginseng Root
Common names:
- Dingling plant Also known as Fish salad tree, Nam Duong ginseng.
Scientific name: Polyscias fruticosa L.
Scientific family: Belongs to the family Araliaceae.
Function :
-Treatment of joint diseases, such as aches and pains, rheumatism, etc. Dandelion root can reduce muscle and joint pain, support gout, back pain, with this joint disease, it can be used with selling the stem or root , color of drinking water. (Use Panax ginseng root, note that the root is only effective for plants that have been planted for more than 3 years)
- Treatment of asthma (using Panax ginseng root)
- Good milk for nursing mothers, avoid loss and blockage of milk (using roots or leaves are okay)
- Enhance health, fortify the body, use the roots to soak in alcohol is also good.
- Can combine Panax ginseng with some drugs such as Ha Thu O, Hoang Tinh ... to treat anemia extremely effectively.
Made in Viet Nam.