China 5 Dynasties,Twenty Centuries of 5 Cash Coins In New Clear Display Box
Images shows typical coins for illustration
This retrospective collection features copper cash coins from five of the greatest Chin ese dynasties. Th e base design o f the characters around the square hole w as un changed for over 2000 years. China is one of the world's greatest selling civilizations. Among its manifold achievements are the so-called Four Great Inventions: paper, gunpowder, moveable type, and the magnetic compass. Unsurprisingly for such an advanced society, China's sophisticated money system dates back thousands of years. Minted for more than two millennia from copper and iron, Chinese cash coins all have easily identifiable legends, although countless varieties are to be found. From the mint names, first used regularly by the T'ang Emperors, we can trace the expansion of China during five of its most celebrated dynasties: Han (7 - 23 AD), T'ang (618 - 907 AD), Song (960 - 1279 AD), Ming (1368 - 1644), and Q'ing (1636 – 1911). These are genuine ancient Chinese bronze coins minted over the span of nearly two thousand years. Unlike many ancient coins that were struck with dies to form the coin, Chinese cash were laboriously hand made by casting, or molding from molten bronze. Several coins were cast simultaneously in a form that resembles a flattened tree. When the molten bronze was poured into the a mold, it flowed down a central shaft and out along several “branches” to fill the coin-shaped voids of the mold, thus creating the finished “tree.” After cooling, the molds were opened and the coins were pruned from their “sprues,” then were filed smooth to erase the cut area.
The Coins :
1. Wang Mang (7-23 AD) Bronze Cash 20.5-23 mm.
Product code: China 5 Dynasties: Twenty Centuries of selling Cash Coins Clear Box